A. Janelidze
Institute of Geology
  • ajig1925@gmail.com

The Complex Laboratory of Geological Research of the Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology is a set of laboratories of various specifics of analytical research in the field of geology. It unites laboratories for paleontological, micropaleontological and palynological research, as well as the laboratories for petrological and geochemical analyses and environmental investigation. In addition, there are operating auxiliary units for the above studies - laboratories and material preparation workshops equipped with full-cycle crushing plants (mills), an enrichment laboratory and machines for the production of thin sections and polished sections. Complex Laboratory also includes auxiliary metalwork and carpentry workshops necessary for the technical support of the laboratories.

Today, the Complex Laboratory of Geological Research is one of the leading laboratories in Georgia among the laboratories of geological profile, which is equipped with tools and equipment of modern standards.

Modern high-resolution electron polarizing and mineragraphic microscopes have been purchased for petrographic-mineralogical research. Thin sections for the microscopic study of the material are prepared in the grinding workshop, which is equipped with a set of modern tools and equipment - Metkon GEOFORM, Metkon FORCIPOL, Metkon FORCIMAT, Metkon VACUMET. The study of thin sections is carried out by means of American and Italian electro-polarizing (AmScope, Optika) and mineragraphic (Omax) microscopes. The Institute has a modern model of a stereomicroscope (binocular) equipped with optics with a wide range of magnification, a digital video camera and many other new options.

Analytical studies are performed using a German X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer SPECTRO Analytical Instruments "SPECTRO-Geo", which allows the determination of 47 elements of the periodic system of chemical elements in the sample: from Na to U included. The substance is investigated also by X-ray diffraction method using diffractometer Dron-2.0. By means of modern crushing mills of German (Retsch - RS 200) production, preparations for the above-mentioned apparatus are prepared. The enrichment laboratory is equipped with modernized crushing mills and covers the complete crushing cycle (from coarse to powder). In the last period, the institute acquired a modern model of the centrifuge, which is used in petrology and mineralogy (for the separation of heavy and light fractions of minerals in mineralogical research, for geochemical analysis and geochronological research) and in paleontology and palynology (for the separation of fauna and flora species).

For environmental research, the Institute has a device - Mercury Analyzer "Yuliya-5K", which is used to analyze the Hg content in various substances (water, various liquids, food products, etc.).

It should be noted that in the Complex Laboratory operators trained and certified in foreign countries are employed.

The Complex Laboratory of Geological Research of the Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology offers various analytical services to the scientists and practitioners/researchers of Earth sciences and of the related fields, as well as to the specialists in engineering and agriculture, pedology, food industry, chemistry, engineering geology, environment, building materials sector, glass and ceramic processing, etc. They are the following:

• Chemical analysis using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer XRF;

• Petro-mineralogical and lithological study of the material (microscopic description and interpretation);

• Micro- and macropaleontological laboratory research (for prospecting oil-and-gas and precious and non-ferrous metal deposits);

• Enrichment laboratory work (fraction quality, concentration, etc.)

• Preparation of material for microscopic study (thin and polished sections) on the equipment of modern standards;

• Diagnostics of jewelry products on the content of harmful elements;

• Stereomicroscopic examination of material (e.g., for determination and study of rocks, minerals, silt, ore minerals, including platinum, gold, silver, and copper native ores, etc. and for the study and determination of fossil species being of great importance in oil-and-gas prospecting, for archaeological research and others);

• Study of environmental conditions;

• Analysis of the Hg content in various substances.

And, finally, the Complex Laboratory of Geological Research of the Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology is the best educational and practical base for students, master's and PhD students.



Phone: +995 595 27 44 42

Email: lab.geolinst@gmail.com


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