A. Janelidze
Institute of Geology
  • ajigge@ajig,ge; ajig1925@gmail.com
The Alexander Janelidze Institute of Geology of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is currently conducting expeditions

The Alexander Janelidze Institute of Geology of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is currently conducting expeditions to different parts of Georgia within the framework of the current 10-year scientific project. In 2022, 7 scientific geological expeditions worked in different regions. Especially noteworthy is the field work carried out on the Black Sea coast and within the Greater Caucasus.

In 2022, to study the crystalline core of the Greater Caucasus, a group of scientists of Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology conducted fieldwork in the Pass and Elbrus subzones of the Greater Caucasus Main Range zone. Routes passed in the right tributaries of the Enguri River, in particular, in the canyons of the Nenskra River and its tributaries - Okrila and Tskhvandiri, and in the canyons of the Nakra, Mestiachala and Khaldestskali rivers. A rich rock material of magmatites, various migmatites and crystalline schists was collected. In the area of apex Tetnuldi, several samples were taken from metamorphites and plagiogranites of the Sgimazuki massif. The samples were collected for picking out zircon crystals for their age dating purposes. Interesting sections have been photographed.