A. Janelidze
Institute of Geology
  • ajigge@ajig,ge; ajig1925@gmail.com
The Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology purchased two devices with the grant 2022 of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia "Competition for support the renewal of the material and technical base of independent research units of higher education institutions”.

The Alexandre Janelidze Institute of Geology purchased two devices with the grant 2022 of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia "Competition for support the renewal of the material and technical base of independent research units of higher education institutions”. For the Complex Laboratory of Geological Research, a modern model of stereomicroscope (binocular) of the Italian brand "Optika" was purchased with the this grant. Binocular (stereomicroscope), unlike a regular microscope, are used not only to magnify, but also to look at objects with volumetric perception. In this microscope, the images of the object form a stereo pair, which ensures the transmission of the image of the object according to how it is seen by the right and left eyes of a person separately. It is known that the human eye cannot distinguish structures smaller than 150 µm from a comfortable viewing optical distance of 250 mm. Binocular stereomicroscopes are used for diagnostics of structures less than 150 μm (eg, details of microstructures of microorganisms, animal and plant cells, crystals, metals and alloys, etc.). With its help, it is possible to determine the shape, size, structure and many other characteristics, as well as the microstructures of macro-objects. The stereomicroscope is equipped with optics with a wide range of magnification, a special table, an illumination unit (transmitted, reflected and indirect light), a wide range of contrast methods (transmitted light, dark field, open field, indirect light, polarization), and most importantly, an additional computer module (digital device or video camera) and other elements. They are characterized by a long working distance and good depth of field. In geology, stereomicroscopes are used in different directions. In particular: in petrology and mineralogy (e.g., for determination and study of rocks, minerals, silt, ore minerals, including platinum, gold, silver, and copper native ores, etc.), for paleontological purposes (for the study of fossil organisms and the determination of their species). It should be noted that the results of paleontological research are of great importance in oil-and-gas prospecting.

The second equipment, which was purchased by the Institute with the same grant funding, is a modern model of the centrifuge of the "Biobase" company. A laboratory centrifuge is a specialized piece of equipment widely used in the laboratories studying substance. It is used in petrology and mineralogy (for the separation of heavy or light fractions of minerals in mineralogical research, for geochemical analysis and geochronological research) and in paleontology and palynology (for the separation of fauna and flora species). The principle of operation of the device is based on the creation of centrifugal force, which increases the rate of separation of the components of any mixture. The separation of substances by centrifugation is based on the different behavior of particles in a centrifugal field. In this field, particles of different density, shape or size are deposited at different rates. Centrifuges give much faster and more accurate results than "outdated" separation methods such as settling, sieving, etc.